Our Story

The “Macoxi for the World” project and the illustrative child character that gave the project its identity, Macoxi, were dreamed and idealized by me. In 2015, after speaking at a Human Rights Congress in MG, where I talked about “Foreign Trade in dialogue with Human Rights”, it was where I really fell in love with the cause of fighting hunger, because after preparing my presentation it was that I I realized the world hunger scenario and I couldn't live without trying to do something to change it in some way.


I started to direct my academic work to address the theme of hunger, however I did not have much encouragement from some teachers to talk about it from the perspective of International Relations, according to some, this theme was not relevant to the area. Gradually you realize that if you don't react, you also end up becoming one of them, who got used to the “more traditional themes” dealt with in the academy and put aside what really matters, people. In my case in particular, people hungry for food!


It was only after understanding that producing academic content on the theme of hunger was insufficient, only after fighting daily the feeling of worthlessness that accompanied me, because I knew that in practice I was not doing anything for someone to actually have a plate of food. , and still, trying to understand so many other things in the world. It was that the project “Macoxi for the World” was born, which is nothing more than a little girl (illustrative character) who lives the search to understand the hunger phenomenon (because some have food and others no) and she talks about it through twine, and tells stories in the form of twine with many lessons that educate children and adults about not wasting, about sharing, about how to treat food, about the origin of food, about the importance of the farmer in the production process, he teaches about the origin of food, about its nutritional importance and consequently small readers will learn a new concept: “Give food is the same to give love”.



Caroline Barroso da Silva

I am from Boa Vista - Roraima, a city located in the extreme north of Brazil. I moved to Brasília in 2011, where I still live and continue my studies and research in the area of ​​Political Science and International Relations on the hunger phenomenon.


I am the daughter and granddaughter of Northeasterners and I grew up under the strong influence of Northeastern culture (food, accent, customs). My paternal grandmother, Terezinha, was my greatest reference and who introduced me to the literature of poems (literatura de cordéis) for the first time! Although she was illiterate, she told stories and sang songs that she had learned in her childhood in the backlands of Ceará. Gratitude to my grandmother who planted in me a love for northeastern culture. Today, the result is the stories of poems (cordéis) I tell children to teach about the importance of taking care of nature to guarantee food for everyone.


Anyone who knows me knows that a few years ago I fell in love with the cause of the fight against hunger and since then I have been qualifying, studying hard and dedicating my life and academic research to this theme. My goal is to educate and make people aware of the importance and role that each of us has as agents of transformation in this chaotic world. And when I say "we" I am in fact talking about everyone, whether at the individual or group level, that is, we, as institutions.


Although I developed my research exploring the theme "hunger", as a political phenomenon, in particular the policies to fight hunger in Brazil, it was only after learning about compliance practices as a way to end a corrupt and poor distribution of income, which I realized that far beyond talking about hunger, we really need a change in social culture that must happen in institutions. Thus, I currently work as a Compliance Officer and disseminate through my profession the importance of ethical and moral behavior that somehow transforms social justice.